A Vein Clinic in Rockville, MD Explains “Vein Disease Treatment for Everyone”
Just to make things clear right from the start, if you are reading this article, It is more likely, in fact, that you are a smart person who cares about your health and wants to get the facts about health issues that concern you. Furthermore, if you’re reading this article on this website, chances are you have spider veins or varicose veins and want to understand more of the facts about vein disease treatment, because these issues concern you personally.
Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re writing this article because at our vein clinic in Rockville, MD, we understand your desire to cut through the misinformation and the jargon and just “get the facts.” So here they are.
Let’s start at the beginning – what exactly IS vein disease?
The term “vein disease” refers to a number of malfunctions of your circulatory system that occur as the result of aging, genetics, accidents, medications, or lifestyle choices. These malfunctions damage the delicate network of blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to your heart and lungs for renewal.
Some types of vein disease have visible symptoms. For example, the symptoms of a disease called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) appear as varicose veins and spider veins. Other types of vein disease may have no visible symptoms but can be much more dangerous. For example, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has no overt symptoms, but causes over 300,000 deaths per year.
How do varicose vein doctors in Rockville diagnose and treat vein disease?
Because diseases of the veins “hide” beneath the surface of the skin, diagnosis requires specialized equipment such as Doppler ultrasound, which allows doctors to look beneath the surface of the skin and actually visualize the blood as it flows through your veins. Ultrasound is non-invasive, so when it is used in a venous health screening to detect disease, the whole process is painless.
If the screening detects the presence of vein disease, the procedures used to treat it are equally painless – they can be performed in the comfort of one of the top vein centers in Rockville, with no need for hospitals, general anesthesia, or deep incisions. Modern vein treatments are minimally-invasive, which means that the doctor inserts a tiny needle into the diseased veins to treat or close them. This process is so fast and gentle that some patients actually have their varicose veins removed on their lunch hour, and then return to work. Spider vein treatment in Potomac, MD can be even faster and easier.
Aren’t varicose veins and other vein disease “just a cosmetic issue?”
Not at all. Yes, varicose veins and the smaller spider veins are unattractive, so removing them has a cosmetic “payoff” for patients. But the primary reason we recommend varicose vein removal is to eliminate the vein disease that causes them, and which – if left untreated – can quickly cause your legs to become so painfully swollen, tired, and weak that you can no longer walk.
So how do I find out more about vein disease, and whether I have it?
This is actually the easiest part of our short “Vein Disease Treatment for Dummies” course. If you are concerned that you might need varicose vein treatment in Rockville, MD, all you need to do to find for sure is pick up your telephone and call us at 301-637-3088 to schedule a venous health screening. You’ll be happy you did.