
Vein Clinic in Rockville, MD: Vein Treatment for Everyone

A Washington DC Vein Specialist Publishes a New Article Explaining How Swollen Legs and Ankles Can Impact Overall Health

July 31, 2016. Washington, DC. Venous Health Centers releases a new article in which Dr. Hamza Rana explains why swollen legs and ankles shouldn’t be ignored. Many people think that the swelling is just a “sign of aging” and that they can safely ignore it, but this Germantown varicose vein doctor explains that chronically swollen legs and ankles are often an early symptom of vein disease, and that left untreated, that disease is only going to get worse.

According to Dr. Rana, medical director of one of the best vein centers in Washington DC, “failing to seek treatment for swollen legs and ankles increases the likelihood that the symptoms will escalate. If the swelling is caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), not seeking treatment could quickly result in the development of varicose veins or worse, deep vein thrombosis.”

This Washington DC vein specialist hopes that his article reaches a wide audience and helps them to understand that failing to seek treatment for swollen legs and ankles could be a tremendous mistake, one that they will later regret. Anyone interested in learning more about vein disease and its treatment can find information at the clinic’s website at:

Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Varicose veins and spider veins are both common problems among adults in the United States. They affect over 30 million people of both sexes, although women are more likely to experience them than men. Varicose veins are the larger of the two issues, appearing as twisted, bluish veins raised above the skin. Spider veins are smaller and take on a web-like appearance.

Safe and effective vein treatments are available for both spider and varicose veins. These treatments include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and endovenous radiofrequency ablation. All of these procedures have the benefit of being minimally invasive, allowing them to be performed on an outpatient basis in the doctor’s office. These treatments help to restore both the beauty and the health of the legs while minimizing downtime and discomfort.

About Venous Health Centers

Venous Health Centers is a leading cardiovascular practice serving the Washington DC metro area. Venous Health Centers offers the latest in minimally invasive procedures to successfully treat the widest variety of patients and conditions such as spider and varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and venous ulcers. The center is led by Dr. Hamza Rana, an established vein specialist and one of the only physicians in the Washington DC and Monterrey County area with the honor of holding board certification from both the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine and the American Board of Vascular Medicine. Dr. Rana and the Venous Health Centers medical team are dedicated to providing comprehensive venous care tailored to suit individual medical needs and outcome goals. Patients can look forward to fast, easy treatment options that allow for healthier bodies and happier lives free from vein disease.

Venous Health Centers
Tel. 301-637-3088

Washington DC Vein Specialist: Swelling & Health

A Washington DC Vein Specialist Explains How Swollen Legs and Ankles Can Impact Your Overall Health

Do you have chronically swollen legs and ankles? Aren’t they a real bother? The swelling makes it difficult to walk or to stand for long periods of time, and it’s often painful as well. But it’s nothing to worry about – probably just a “sign of aging” or something like that, right?

Wrong. According to our Washington DC vein specialist, chronic swelling in your legs and ankles can be a sign of a more serious condition – vein disease. And vein disease is very much a real disease, one that can escalate and negatively impact your overall state of health and well-being.

What Washington DC residents should know about swollen legs and ankles

One of the most common causes of swollen legs and ankles is a condition called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), in which the tiny valves that enable your veins to pump blood back to the heart and lungs become damaged or diseased and stop working properly. CVI negatively affects your entire circulatory system, and thus your overall state of health.

Healthy veins have the job of conveying de-oxygenated blood back to your heart and lungs, where it is re-oxygenated and then sent back through the arteries to your organs and other parts of the body. If your veins are damaged from CVI and failing to do this job, a crucial part of your body’s circulatory system is failing.

An early symptom of this failure is swelling in the legs and ankles, but left undiagnosed and untreated, the impact of CVI can quickly become much worse. For example, CVI is the most common cause of varicose veins, which if untreated can become tough, distended, and covered with skin ulcers that resist topical treatment and fail to heal. CVI is also related to more serious diseases such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and puts you at risk of developing blood clots in the large veins of your legs. If these clots break loose from where they formed and travel to the lungs and brain, the results can actually be fatal.

But even “just” swollen legs and ankles can disrupt your health

When swelling and accompanying discomfort and pain occurs in your legs and ankles, you start to become less mobile, and get less exercise. Inactivity has a profound effect on your overall health, and has been cited as a major cause of conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. If the pain and discomfort become severe, you may start to miss work and want to spend less time with your friends and family. And on a psychological level, those feelings of not wanting to go out erode your self-confidence and make it a struggle to get out of bed in the mornings. Normal activities become huge tasks, and you become even more sedentary, which further erodes your mental and physical health.

What can you do about it?

The first thing you should do if you suffer from swollen legs and ankles is find out what the cause is. And this is as simple as scheduling a venous health screening at one of the best vein centers in Washington DC. These screenings are fast, painless, non-invasive, and above all, effective. Using modern diagnostic tools such as Doppler ultrasound, Dr. Hamza Rana can see beneath the skin, and detect any blockages or disease in your veins. If vein disease is found, treatment is equally fast, equally painless, and can be performed right in our Rockville varicose vein doctor’s offices. So give Dr. Hamza Rana a call today at 301-637-3088 and set up an appointment for a venous health screening. You’ll be happy you did.

Vein Clinic in Rockville, MD: Vein Treatment for Everyone

A Rockville Vein Specialist Publishes a New Article Explaining How Vein Disease Is Detected and Diagnosed

June 18, 2016. Rockville. Venous Health Centers publishes a new article in which they explain how vein disease is diagnosed and detected these days. According to Dr. Hamza Rana, medical director of one of the best vein clinics in the Rockville, articles such as this one are often necessary to clear up misconceptions left over from decades ago, of vein treatment, when even diagnosing vein disease may have involved a trip to the hospital and a number of invasive and painful procedures.

These days, thanks to incredible advances in visualization technologies, the diagnosis of vein problems is a completely painless and non-invasive process that can be done in the comfort of a Rockville vein specialist’s offices in about an hour. According to Dr. Rana, “your doctor will ask a number of questions to determine whether you have any significant risk factors for vein disease, and then perform a painless ultrasound scan to look beneath the surface of your skin to see exactly how your veins are doing, and whether your blood is flowing through them the way it should be.”

These Rockville varicose vein doctors hope that this article enables readers to overcome any baseless fears they have about seeing a vein doctor and helps them to understand the value of getting a venous health screening. To learn more about vein disease and how it is diagnosed and treated, visit the clinic’s website at:

Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Varicose veins and spider veins are both common problems among adults in the United States. They affect over 30 million people of both sexes, although women are more likely to experience them than men. Varicose veins are the larger of the two issues, appearing as twisted, bluish veins raised above the skin. Spider veins are smaller and take on a web-like appearance.

Safe and effective vein treatments are available for both spider and varicose veins. These treatments include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and endovenous radiofrequency and laser ablation, and chemical Ablation. All of these procedures have the benefit of being minimally invasive, allowing them to be performed on an outpatient basis in the doctor’s office. These treatments help to restore both the beauty and the health of the legs while minimizing downtime and discomfort.

About Venous Health Centers

Venous Health Centers is a leading cardiovascular practice serving the Washington DC metro area. Venous Health Centers offers the latest in minimally invasive procedures to successfully treat the widest variety of patients and conditions such as spider and varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and venous ulcers. The center is led by Dr. Hamza Rana, an established vein specialist and one of the only physicians in the Washington DC and Montgomery County area with the honor of holding board certification from both the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine and the American Board of Vascular Medicine. Dr. Rana and the Venous Health Centers medical team are dedicated to providing comprehensive venous care tailored to suit individual medical needs and outcome goals. Patients can look forward to fast, easy treatment options that allow for healthier bodies and happier lives free from vein disease.

Venous Health Centers
Tel. 301-637-3088

Varicose vein doctor in Rockville: Diagnosing Vein Disease

Varicose vein doctor in Rockville Explains How Vein Disease Is Detected and Diagnosed

To get an idea of the incredible progress that medical science has made in the field of vascular medicine in recent decades, just look at how vein disease was diagnosed only a few years ago. At that time, if you suspected you had vein problems, you often had to go to a hospital, undergo general anesthesia, and submit to invasive and often painful diagnostic procedures just to find out whether you were sick.

Medical technology has come a long way since then, and the techniques used to diagnose vein disease are now nothing like this. Visualization technologies such as Doppler ultrasound allow vein experts in the Rockville area to look below the surface of the skin to get a clear picture of how well your veins are functioning without making a single incision, and without the need for anesthesia. In fact, a venous health screening at a top vein center in Montgomery County takes only about an hour, and is completely painless and non-invasive.

What a venous health screening is like – what to expect

As performed by Dr. Hamza Rana and his associates at Venous Health Centers, your vein health checkup starts with the doctor asking you to describe your symptoms, your medical history, and (because vein disease is hereditary) your family’s medical history. Dr. Rana may also ask questions about your general lifestyle, because factors such as whether you have given birth or are taking hormonal drugs or birth control pills, how much exercise you get, and whether you smoke all represent significant risk factors for vein disease.

This is usually followed by a general physical examination, during which the doctor assesses your overall health and then performs a number of non-invasive diagnostic tests based on your replies to the earlier questions.. Finally, if the initial questions indicate that you have a higher-than-normal risk of developing vein disease, the doctor will schedule Doppler ultrasound to examine your veins directly. Painless ultrasound scans allow your doctor to detect any structural abnormalities, but also allow him to see if blood is flowing properly through the veins, or whether there are obstructions such as blood clots that could be blocking the flow.

That’s it? I thought it would be more traumatic than that

Many people – especially those who have heard horror stories from their mothers about what vein treatment was like “in their day” – have fears about what to expect if they see a vein doctor. That’s why we write informative articles like this, to clear up misconceptions about vein disease and how it’s diagnosed.

If you’re happy to hear that the vein screenings are this fast and painless, you’ll probably be even happier to learn that actual treatment of vein diseases is equally fast and painless. The treatments we offer to eliminate varicose veins, spider veins, or dangerous blood clots can all be performed in the comfort of our vein clinic in the Rockville in about an hour, and with no need to ever go to a hospital or submit to invasive surgery.

So if you’re ready to find out the exact status of your vein health, just pick up a phone and give our Rockville vein specialist a call today at 301-637-3088 to set up an appointment for your own venous health screening. You’ll be happy you did.

Informational Free Vein Screening on June 8th

Informational Free Vein Screening

We will provide a free brief consultation including vein screening with ultrasound.

Rockville Office
15225 Shady Grove Road, Suite 201
Rockville, Maryland 20850

June 8th, 2016
9am – 12 noon

CALL 301-548-7606 to be on the list and for further details

Informational Free Vein Screening on June 8th

Informational Free Vein Screening

We will provide a free brief consultation including vein screening with ultrasound.

Rockville Office
15225 Shady Grove Road, Suite 201
Rockville, Maryland 20850

June 8th, 2016
9am – 12 noon

CALL 301-548-7606 to be on the list and for further details

Top Vein Center in Rockville: Expert Guide to Swelling

A Olney Vein Specialist Publishes a New Article That Explains How Vein Doctors Make the World a Better Place

May 21, 2016. Washington, DC. Venous Health Centers releases a new article in which Dr. Rana talks about the benefits that modern vein disease treatment has brought to the world, making it a better place. As these noted vein experts in the Washington DC metro area explain, advances in medical technology have turned varicose vein removal from a procedure that used to require hospitals, general anesthesia, large incisions, scarring, and long recovery times into a virtually painless procedure that a Washington DC vein specialist can complete in as little as an hour.

According to Dr. Rana, medical director of one of the best vein centers in Olney, “eliminating the unsightliness of varicose veins is only scratching the surface of how modern vein treatment can improve your world. Removing the diseased veins also removes the disease that caused them, and that is causing you to experience chronic tiredness, painfully swollen legs and ankles, and many other side effects.”

These Washington DC varicose vein doctors hope that this article helps people to understand that the advances that have been made in vein treatment technology really can work to make their world a better place. To learn more about varicose veins and how easily and quickly they can be permanently removed, visit the clinic’s website at:

Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Varicose veins and spider veins are both common problems among adults in the United States. They affect over 30 million people of both sexes, although women are more likely to experience them than men. Varicose veins are the larger of the two issues, appearing as twisted, bluish veins raised above the skin. Spider veins are smaller and take on a web-like appearance.

Safe and effective vein treatments are available for both spider and varicose veins. These treatments include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and endovenous radiofrequency ablation. All of these procedures have the benefit of being minimally invasive, allowing them to be performed on an outpatient basis in the doctor’s office. These treatments help to restore both the beauty and the health of the legs while minimizing downtime and discomfort.

About Venous Health Centers

Venous Health Centers is a leading cardiovascular practice serving the Washington DC metro area. Venous Health Centers offers the latest in minimally invasive procedures to successfully treat the widest variety of patients and conditions such as spider and varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and venous ulcers. The center is led by Dr. Hamza Rana, an established vein specialist and one of the only physicians in the Washington DC and Monterrey County area with the honor of holding board certification from both the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine and the American Board of Vascular Medicine. Dr. Rana and the Venous Health Centers medical team are dedicated to providing comprehensive venous care tailored to suit individual medical needs and outcome goals. Patients can look forward to fast, easy treatment options that allow for healthier bodies and happier lives free from vein disease.

Venous Health Centers
Tel. 301-637-3088